Friday, January 18, 2008

Tyger, tyger

If you ever wondered what real stupidity was like, try THIS. My Gawd, anyone who taunts a tiger, drunk or not, deserves everything they get.

It's not like getting into a dispute with a bouncer over how old you actually are. Tigers don't even have whatever tiny shred of control (or rather, fear of repercussion) that bouncers have. Also, a bouncer will not bite your head clean off before tucking in to your squishy bits.

Personally I'm proud that the tiger stood up and decided not to take any shit. It's bad enough that the poor thing was caged and imprisoned in the first place.

Who do we think we are, us humans?

I love watching those David Attenborough fillms. They're great, cos you see how the world is stuffed to bursting with creatures that really don't give a fuck what we get up to so long as we stay out of their way. They're just goin' around, doin' their thang.

But what is their agenda?


Blogger Paul said...

Remember that guy in Galway who had his arms bitten off by a tiger at the circus? I used to sell him cider everyday.

10:38 pm  
Blogger Stephen McMullin said...

What was the tiger doing buying cider?

7:46 pm  

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