Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Earth to get big sun brolly

I was surprised to find THIS, an article about how scientists have been looking into some way of blocking the sun's rays to combat global warming. Didn't they do that in the Simpsons?

I can't believe someone's actually bothered to think about sending massive sunshades into space as a way of combatting global warming, but nobody's asked Chrysler to stop making such fucking huge cars. It won't work, so says the article. I like the caption, "Not a great idea, says study."

Strangely enough, when you get to the bottom of the article scientists involved in the thing say stuff like: "My personal opinion is that we should be focusing our time and money on actually reducing emissions rather than some manmade monstrosity in space."

He's right, of course, but why'd he bother with the thing at all?


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