Friday, January 21, 2005

I looked for you in Old Honolula...

Well, today begins with a spot of good news! The project I got up early(-ish) to finish off for 4pm today is actually not due 'til Monday. Boysa, boysa, but that's good news! Especially since I'm incredibly lazy and quite a fantastic procrastinator...

I was on the bus into college this morning and I saw a big huge poster for a new movie called 'Assault on Precinct 13'. It stars Laurence Fishburn (Fishbourne?) (Ahem, it's actually Fishburne - Ed. Um, I mean Stephen.) and Ethan Hawke (Hawk?) and in big letters it says, "FROM THE PRODUCER OF 'TRAINING DAY'". Maybe I'm cynical, but this looks to me like, 'Ethan Hawke stars in another cop movie with a respected black actor in a desperate bid to win Oscars.' Hell, it worked last time!

Maybe that is cynical, but I hope it works out for old Larry. He got short shrift in the Oscar department with The Matrix Trilogy ("Zion, Heeeeeeear meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" etc...) where his performance served to baffle even the hardiest of moviegoers.

I would've taken the blue pill, who wants to live in the Real World? It sucks! There's nothing to eat but gruel and all the clothes are smelly and holey, while people are smelly and holy. Ba-dum-tshish! I just can't seem to get away from the pun...

There are parts of the world where punners are severely punished. They get punned, drawn and quartered. I thought of that just now, awful isn't it? I'm so terribly sorry.


The time has come to get some work done and possibly even dusted! Woo! Go Team Stephen!

Talk later.


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