Saturday, February 19, 2005

Cheezy snax


This AdSense thing's really bizarre. Because I was talking about snooker yesterday there're all these links to snooker-based sites. I just spent ages playin' with this pool game... Just goes to show how good Gooooooogle are/is...

The thrust of this message is Click On The Ads! I've managed to earn $0.78 since Tuesday. This isn't going to allow me to retire in luxury, people! Perhaps there are other avenues of no work I could try...

I've managed to get a links box at last, though I couldn't think of what to link. I realised most of the things I look up are found through Google rather than my having actual web addresses. I put in Neil Gaiman's website, which is quite great. It has all sorts of wonderful thingies and the journal is pretty good fun most of the time. Neil was one of the earliest high-profile bloggers and as such should be accorded all kinds of hurrahs and so on and so what am I on about?

Also linked is, which hosts some of my work in the fiction genre. Mostly not nice, but mildly amusing stuff. I reckon everyone should read Funny As Hell, cos it's dead good... Bip... Gonna see about more stuff as and when I think of it. Yo!

(*Subliminal message* Click On The Ads *End subliminal message*)

God, I'm tired... My sister was up today and forced me to talk to her and wander around with her friend and she. Sorry about the horrific grammeario there, but I'm not firing on either cylinder right now. No coffee, y'see.

I'm curious about how far this targeted advertising will go. I wonder if I start writing keywords like "Porn", "Movies" and "Amazon" and wax lyrical about black holes, will I end up with adds for Playboy, MGM, books and Stephen Hawking?

Only one way to find out...

I keep meaning to start doing some form of college work. I'm supposed to have a dissertation done in a few weeks, as well as a SWOT analysis, a French wotsit and something to do with documentaries. I think there's something else too, but I'm not letting it get to me. (AAARGH!!!)

If I had a hammer I'd probably bash my thumb while trying to use it.
If I had a Euro for everytime someone told me to get my hair cut, I'd have about a tenner.
If I had X-ray vision I'd see more skeletons.
If I had some ambition I'd be doing something sensible instead of this.

Right, that's enough for now.


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