Friday, April 01, 2005

Bin aWhile

Yes indeed, it's bin aWhile.

Mostly because I haven't had much to say. Been up to my ears in dissertation work and I'm slowly but surely losing the will to live. More surely than slowly I fear...

Recently I have been listening to a lot of Prince. Which is something I don't normally do, but it would appear I've come to that phase of my life where I can happily Prince away without fear of, well, anything. So, how've you been?

If you click the title of this post you'll be whisked and transported right away to a page filled with comic strips. Doonesbury's there along with Boondocks and Garfield and all the other comics you know and love and some you probably loath and despise. Speedbump's there too. I love Speedbump.

I discovered recently that there are around 10 million blogs in operation, or at least in existence. Mine has been in existence for a while, but I would hardly regard it as operating. blahblahblahblahvblahdafwsuihjtng... Makes you wonder what's the point sometimes. Or more often than not all the time in some socks there are fish...

No, it's no good. The inspiration's just not there.

There is an ancient theory that I came up with the other day, which states that if you kill someone or something you immediately absorb it's life-force. Or soul. I swatted a fly on the bus and I got to wondering what happens to these souls once you've absorbed them? If you swat a lot of flies do you become twitchier and more attracted to sweet thing and poo? If you work in an abattoir as a cow-killer, do you gradually become more docile and inclined towards vomiting three times before swallowing your food properly?

It's worth pondering, certainly more so than my thesis. (Theses, rhymes with faeces!)

And that is, as they say, all folks.


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