Monday, March 17, 2008

Craicdown? Fucking hypocrites.

After years and years promoting St Patrick's Day as the time when all Oirish folk can, nay, MUST get blind drunk — to prove their patriotism and national character — the Oirish government asked people to, "Take it easy, now, lads." This would be easier to bear if it wasn't for the fact that the Oirish government is almost exclusively run by publicans. Let's call them drug dealers, for the sake of argument.


They're not drug dealers, they're vintners, you say?

You say potato, I say grain shipped out of Cork Harbour.

So that was annoying to read. So too was the fact that the majority of the Oirish government is abroad today — their own country's national holiday — doing the leprechaun thing, promising pots of gold in return for foreign investment. "Sure would you not open yer factory in Tuam? The craic's ninety down there…"

My anti-Irish sentiment is increasing expontentially these days, but so is my anti-World sentiment. I think I look at Ireland as a microcosm of all that is shit on Planet Earth. The greed, stupidity, willful ignorance, bigotry and many, many more things add up to make it fairly representative of what irks me about modern 'civilisation'. Basically, right, I think it's all gone horribly wrong. Unfortunately, it looks like it's always been that way. Sigh.

Spurred on by the first part of David Icke's conversation with Credo Mutwa, in which they discuss a rather outlandish conspiracy theory regarding the true rulers of the world, I've been reading a little about Africa's history.

While Mutwa's story about abduction and the reptilian race that really runs shit is hard to swallow, it really doesn't seem any less plausible than, for example, Christianity. Perhaps even more so. At least there's no imaginary guilt built into his beliefs. But that's not what interested me most about the interview. I was fascinated by Mutwa's talk about how, as a youngster in the 1930s he discovered that many of the things he'd been taught as truths about his people and their history by Christian (European, white) missionaries were total bollox.

He was taught, as was I, that Africa had been a savage and primitive place before Europeans arrived. Having read a little about the spread of Christianity in Europe, and the cynical way in which various Christian festivals were placed to coincide with previously established Pagan celebrations — also declared savage and primitive — I don't find that too hard to believe. Even thinking about Africa's place in history for a moment should set the alarm bells ringing. It's pretty much accepted these days that all humanity originated in Africa, thanks to incredibly old fossils and other archaeology. So, if people have been there since the Dawn of Man, what the fuck were they at all that time? Hanging around, waiting to be civilised by white people?


If you think about the fact that we've been on this planet for nearly 2 million years and our knowledge of human history only stretches back about 6000 years, you have to wonder what all those people were up to. Even thinking about the 2000ish years of the Christian era, if Europeans were achieving so much, why would you assume the Africans had been doing nothing?

But, in the absence of a written history, because Africans didn't bother with a written language, it's been easy to impose this image onto the continent. Also, the Europeans who shat on the place didn't have any respect for the cultures they were eradicating to the extent that they really didn't exist to their moustachioed pomposity. I'm not going to start ranting about the sort of humanity that thinks it's OK to stroll into a country and start killing all round them and taking over, that would take a long time and really, what's the point? If you can't see that sort of behaviour for what it is, counter-productive, retro-evolutionary and fucking evil, then I'm not going to get anywhere anyway. (Who are you talking to, Stephen? The voices, the voices…) As well as producing Magellen the Explorer, Portugal also spawned some real genocidal bastards.

When the Portuguese arrived in East Africa in the 15th century they encountered a sophisticated trading empire, which dealt with China, India and the rest quite happily. Within a short time the Europeans had done some totally unexpected hacking and slashing, which started the full-scale looting of Africa which continued for centuries and left behind the fucking mess that exists there today.

A mess which nobody is clearing up because there's still a total contempt for Africa in the white world. A contempt with no basis in anything whatsoever, but the bullshit 'truths' we've been handed down by colonialism. If history's been written by the winners, Africa really didn't get much of a say.

So, basically, my point is: What was going on in Africa all that time?


Blogger Paul said...

Sorry to burst your bubble, but humans have only been truly 'human' for the past 10000 years or so. So its unlikely that theres 2 million years of 'undiscovered' history. Its more than likely that for 2 million years pre-humans sat in caves, shitting, eating & worshipping black monoliths.

Anyhoo, Africa had many a sofisticated civilization, from the Ethiopians, to the Nubians & Numidians. Its just that we, rather the west shat on their pan-cake & sent them back to warlordism. Though in farness, those once great civilizations had slumped drastically before Europeans had arived. If they'd been organised the damned dirty whited would have been destroyed & we'd all be worshipping Baal. I suggest you read, 'Guns, Germs & Steel' it explains a lot.

5:05 pm  
Blogger Stephen McMullin said...

Inneressin'… Several people've said I should read GG&S, and perhaps I shall. Fuck it, I'll go into town and get it today! Feeling the need for some stimulating non-fiction.

Somehow I don't think organisation alone would have helped, since the conquistadores, pilgrims and the like did a pretty good number on the Americas too. Of course, if you came here for informed debate, as opposed to wild speculation, you came to the wrong place, my friend…

11:31 am  

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