Saturday, February 02, 2008

Get this

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa is a book written in the 1970s in which author Walter Rodney says it was European fucking about that left Africa utterly bolloxed. Mostly. And people argue that this isn't so…




I find colonialism and post-colonialism fascinating. As an Irishman, to some extent at least, I think it's interesting to look at the degree to which my own 'Motherland' was fucked by empire building jizzbags.

I also think it's interesting that Britain is allowed membership of the EU despite its occupation of Northern Ireland, while Turkey is not because of it's occupation of a small part of Cyprus. Does that seem a little like imperial cronyism?

Ah, sure the Brits were always there with the aul Empire, them Turks, though… Unscrupulous bastards!

Now, I'm not saying Turkey has any particular business in Cyprus — although there is an argument that they have a fuck sight more right to be there than the, ahem, British troops there (Londonderry Road really got my goat while I was there). At least from a historical perspective. The bastards took historical artifacts from the north of the island where, er, most of the historical artifacts are of Turkish origin. Hair splitter! That's me…

So, here again we have a situation in which the Brits can do what they like but them there darkies can't.

I smell a double-standard, rampant racism and a continuation of the sort of thinking which led to the fucking of Africa in the first place.

Mind you, it's easy for me to say as a privileged white western male — the world is my lobster in the fullest sense. I often wonder how I managed to draw such a very long straw, but still have the cheek to whinge about my lot.

What a prick I am.



Blogger Paul said...

Interesting reading. But I'am a shameless Imperialist. So fuck 'em.

1:52 pm  
Blogger Stephen McMullin said...

You'll get yours, John Bull! Oh, hold on, you already did…

2:28 pm  

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