Saturday, March 29, 2008

The end of the world?

It could be closer than you think!

This particle accelerator thing is fascinating, but not a little terrifying. I mean, sure they've taken safety precautions and stuff, but the fact is that if they knew what was going to happen, there'd be no point in doing the experiment. I for one am quite excited by the idea that sometime this summer we'll all be sucked into a man-made space-time anomaly.


Imagine if all we believe to be true about black holes is, in fact, balls. What if we suddenly find ourselves thrust into an alternate universe, complete with marauders, warp drives and enlightened Klingons? What if, on the other side of a black hole, is Star Trek?!

That'd be pretty sweet.

Of course, the cold, hard fact that we might all suddenly find ourselves squished into extremely dense balls of matter is a worry. But on the bright side — we won't notice!

I kind of hope we don't end up with one of these ones though:

It looks a bit… Er…


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