Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Pandering to the delusional — for why?

"Both Mrs Clinton and Mr Obama are courting the religious vote, which holds considerable clout in US politics."

I don't know about anybody else, but I find that statement deeply troubling.

Perhaps you think its sensible, that they should appeal to these people. But, what if, for example, it said "Clinto n' Bama are courting the Flat-Earthers"?

Ha! You might say, the FE'ers are bonkers! That's crazy!

Yeah, but there's precisely as much sense to be found in the argument of a flat earther as there is in that of a religious nutter, exactly the same amount of evidence for both positions (ie, none) and roughly the same amount of zeal in their gibbery nonsense arguments.

It would be nice if, just once in history/the world/etc there could be an election fought on things that actually matter, not abstract and easily manipulated concepts like abortion, which are merely smokescreens for REAL things that REALLY matter. Y'know, like genocide, corruption in all levels of government in all countries around the planet, the fact that religious fanaticism is the thing that's going to do us in in the end, perhaps we could look at the whole 'money' issue and figure out an alternative that doesn't foster jealousy, hatred, one-upmanship, all that shite…

A Berlusconi's back in power in Italy. What the fuck happened there?!

Was his slogan, "Vote Uncle Silvio for Corruption and a Right Wing Agenda!" or "He already owns your airwaves, why not give him ultimate responsibility for your lives too? Vote Berlusconi!" or "Better the Devil you know!"


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