Saturday, September 06, 2008

Libertarianism seems more sensible every day…

I find that really hard to reconcile with my semi-anarchist views, but the more I look at my semi-anarchism, the more it looks like semi-libertarianism instead… I wonder can you have Libertarians outside of America? I can't see why not. Semi-Libertarians, anyway…

Nicked from Andy Singer

You may be wondering what I'm talking about. Isn't Libertarianism just a nutty wing of Republicanism? Isn't it just free-marketeers and capitalist scumfucks coming up with brand new ways to exploit… Everything?

I blame Penn and Teller for their cracking show Bullshit! If you're not familiar with it, basically it's the magical pair doing a Harry Houdini debunking job on many of the myths of the modern world. They go gunning for psychics, mediums, common misconceptions, stupid laws — basically anything which we have been fed as truth, but which — to quote George Carlin — is All Bullshit and All Bad For Ya! They do this with their Libertarian friends at the CATO Institute and other knowledgeable types…

Anyway, the reason I bring it up is that I came across a short video of a guy called Jason Riley on the CATO website, in which he talks why immigration IS NOT AN ISSUE, at least not a negative one. Watch it, I was fascinated and, as you might have gathered, agreed entirely:

In a few years we might relocate to the States — this time it'll be Liz's turn to make an honest man of me, which will make a nice change — so I'll be able to go full Libertarian. Me and Clint Eastwood and Penn & Teller and Bill Maher, eh?

Oh, and Bob Barr's moustache.


Blogger Aoife said...

Funnily enough I went to see Pwnn & Teller while I was in Las Vegas a few weeks ago (I know, bizarre) and I lost ALL respect for them. The show was going really well, until they started into the 'isn't America better than everywhere else' section that even involved the raising of a flag.

They actually said "Nothing makes you appreciate the States like any kind of international travel."


1:30 pm  
Blogger Stephen McMullin said...

I wouldn't worry too much about P&T's nationalism, since it runs contrary to the Bush ideals of patriotism, etc. It's not even that abnormal, and they are very up front about it. Don't forget, it's still pretty normal for the Irish anthem to be played at the end of nightclubs, not to mention all that St Patrick's Day bollox (celebrating the fact that some Welsh fuckbag arrived to proselytise and brainwash an entire nation — fucking them up for centuries to come).

The Irish are good at national pride too, with less reason.

2:07 pm  

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