Thursday, April 07, 2005

Cuzcompany, three's a crowd. And a short rant about porn.

Oh, the puns, the puns, the puns...

Yes, Dec and Donal have fucked off to Peru for two weeks to eat cocoa leaves, see ancient ruins and get into compromising positions with llamas. I have stuck their link up in the links field (funnily enough) so if you've accidentally stumbled across this blog while looking for porn you can look there too. I have a feeling you'll be disappointed, but you can't have your cake, eat it and look at porn.

I was handed a leaflet outside the cinema the other day - when I went to see Ring 2, it's crap, don't waste your time - which was entitled "Pornography - just harmless fun?" And I thought, yes. Apparently I was wrong. According to this leaflet, looking at pornography for six weeks turns the average male into a rapist, a murderer and, more often than not, a paedophile.

I know what they mean. Sometimes after seeing a naked breast on TV or a piece of paper I want nothing more than to go out and find a child to molest.

What a stupid, stupid piece of shite that leaflet was.

The best thing about it was that they quoted Ted Bundy on the back. Yes, the Ted Bundy who murdered women, because he is an expert on these things. Wha-? Talk about spin!

Pornography, according to this leaflet, has no positive effect at all. I could step outside my house for five minutes and find a dozen people who would disagree with that statement. It's like saying beer or chocolate or sex has no positive effect. Just because the cause for peace and the drive to stop world hunger is not aided by something does not render it free of positive effect.

Rant over.


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