Friday, May 20, 2005

...I can't tell you, but I know that it's mine...

Bit o'Beatles for you there. Aren't you lucky things?!

Watched the Punisher yesterday. I'm not sure why I did that, in hindsight. I thought it might be a bit of fun but it was just shite. There's a very surreal bit involving a cowboy assassin who sings a shitty little ditty while failing to look threatening before dying mercifully. And John Travolta is so obviously In It For The Money it's not even funny!

It's a bit like Bowfinger, where they're following the star around and making a film he doesn't know he's in. The way John goes on, it's like he's not really there for some of it. As if he did the lines in front of a green screen one day and was then digitally inserted into the film. Perhaps not.

Well, I am officially finished with this college lark. More or less. Got the results to an essay I did a while ago. It was quite honestly the biggest heap of auld shite I've ever written. I was expecting a mark somewhere in the low 30s, but I came out in the 50s instead. My mind is boggled, cos I know it was awful. There was no hint of academia anywhere in that piece of shit. There were barely any points! Still, to quote Dickie Fitz, it was an 'interesting read'. Bizarre...

Still, we shall not look gift horses in mouths.

The one thing I'll miss about college is the free internet. It allows me to blog several times a day and there's something quite satisfying about that. I can't recall how many thousands of words I've written since I started this thing, but I'm sure it's a lot. Now, if only I'd put that kind of effort into my degree and/or my first New York Times bestseller.

(It is tentatively titled "The Stravinsky Code" - it's about this Harvard professor who falls in love with a violin only to discover he's become embroiled in a pseudo-intellectual plot and has to figure out puzzles only a three-year-old could understand while trying to maintain a po-faced stance against the flurry of clichés whisking around his tweed besuited person.)

Sarah is trying to find me a job. Which is nice of her, but I fear she's looking in all the wrong places. The kind of thing she's been looking at involves, y'know, knowledge, commitment, experience, all that jazz. There's nothing in any of these places about lots of money for staying in bed late and talking about SF over pints. Nothing at all!

Now, I know these jobs exist. I've heard talk...

So, if anyone out there has any ideas about where I should start looking (and if anyone says Forbidden Planet or Sub-City they'll get a nasty e-boxing!) then put your answers on an electronic postcard or similar thing and I'll follow it up or not.

Also, my current account details will be presented to anyone who feels the need to electronically transfer money into my bank to ensure my easy life remains thus. I'm thinking of turning myself into a charity worker: Save Stephen From Drudgery, or T.O.T.S. (Think Of The Stephens!)... You can email me at the address in the profile area which is right behind Leonardo's head. This way ----->

All donations gratefully received.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I just got back from the gym and I am beat. I am currently doing some research on guitar tab and chords and stumbled across your blog. Which cracks me up really. The internet can certainly land you off base sometimes. Even though ...I can't tell you, but I know that it's mine... is not completely related I think it is a cool blog. I have read back through the archives and lots of people make some very good points. Well I have been on-line forever it seems. I need to continue to plug away at guitar tab and chords. If you have the energy swing by guitar tab and chords. I try to update my site weekly and maybe you will see something you like. I already snagged your URL and put it in my favorites. If you do not mind I will be back again. Great job!

11:42 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well this blog certainly is not about acoustic electric guitars. What the heck! I guess the internet can play some tricks on us sometimes. I have been on-line for two hours
researching acoustic electric guitars and came tumbling across your blog. I LOVE IT! I needed a break from acoustic electric guitars anyways :-) If you don't mind I want to add your
blog to my favorites list so I can come back later on and read some more stuff. Well I guess I should get back to researching acoustic electric guitars.
Even though my search is not on ...I can't tell you, but I know that it's mine... I am glad I came across your blog. Keep blogging away!

1:55 pm  

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