Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The revival of English magic

Doesn't revival look funny? As a word...? Perhaps I'm spelling it wrong.

Just finished the wonderful Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke (which I mentioned a few days ago. Somewhere...) and I'm a bit upset that it's all over. I was really enjoying it and now it's gone. I haven't read something as good since, well, maybe American Gods by Neil Gaiman, or In Your Dreams by Tom Holt.

It's hard to say.

It's much better than the bloody DaVinci Code anyway.

Got a letter today from my old mate Pat Ingoldsby, the former TV host and now poet I interviewed some months back, in response to my sending him a copy of my print project the other day. I certainly wasn't expecting such a speedy reply! I only posted the thing on Friday!

Anyway, the gist of the letter was that I am the greatest writer since Flann O'Brian and it was all very gratifying - good way to start a Wednesday!

It's been a pretty good Wednesday, all told. I also got a message telling me that the exam on Monday, or at least half of it, was the wrong paper. So, the girls who complained got us a result - Nobody does badly in it! That is a warm, snuggly thing to be told on any chilly morning.

Sarah's here now, about to do the Dante's Inferno test, I'll let you know how she gets on...

She tells me she had a meeting today with the woman behind Puca Puppets and it all went swimmingly. The woman liked her work and, now here's the best bit, it turns out the next show she'll be doing is an adaptation of Coraline by Neil Gaiman!

If you haven't read Coraline you should, cos it's brilliant! But you can't borrow my copy - My signed first edition! It's gonna keep me going through my autumn years...

Umm... Oh, yeah! Read today that the Hitch Hiker's Guide film took in £4.2 million on its first weekend in Britain. Anyone who knows the story will know that 42 is the answer to the all-important question of life, the universe and everything. In the USA the figure was $14.2, which is also scarily close... I love those little coincidences.

Visit 616abortions to see the band that was formerly Squid unfold into a whole new monster. I can't wait for their new album! It's only been six (6!) years in the making... I loved their first album, The Bitter Saint's Abortion. And people who remember me from first year may recall my scary shirt with "Unorthodox Devotee of Ritual Sex-Magik" emblazoned on the back.

Apparently Sarah shall be condemned to the City of Dis for her heretical views. Unsurprisingly she scored pretty low across the board, such a sensible person she is! They didn't ask any questions about chocolate, which accounts for her not being lumped in with the gluttons.



Blogger Scania Sculptor said...

Have you heard Negativeland's cover of 'I still haven't found what I'm looking for'? There's a wee sample from someone discussing exactly the same thing about The Kingsmen used in it. You can DL it here (get the Special Edit Radio Mix).

There is too much to know ^^

9:09 pm  

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