Thursday, May 05, 2005

I've a feelin'

Wow. British consulate in New York bombed with 'novelty grenades'. I wasn't aware there were such things... Do they come in Xmas crackers or something?

I wonder could it have anything to do with the elections in Britain today.

Mayor of Noo Yoik isn't letting anything slip, but it would seem fairly obvious. I doubt Mr. Bin Laden's involved though, mostly because nobody's been creamed. But why would you bother? What was the point? Perhaps the point was to make a point?

"Hey, even with all your security checks we managed to blow stuff up. You're not half so clever as what you thinks you is!"

Illiterate bombers, who needs 'em?

Undoubtedly this'll lead to even more restrictions on things, novelty items will be subject to rigorous (When Ah say riggurus, Ah means Riggerus!) security checks. The Chinese firecracker industry will disappear down the toilet and Beijing will collapse into a pile of novelty rubble.

Sorry, I don't know what THAT was about. One of the dangers of Thursdays.

I reckon today is one of those days within which I will complete nothing of importance and keep posting silly snippets of things here. You have been wormed!


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