Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Nine inch-tastic!

Well... Here we are, again.

Leslie is demanding a full apology for referring to her as 'shmezzer', some people have no sense of humour, but sorry. For what it's worth... I won't do it again. I much prefer Lezzie Ramone anyway.

JOKE! Don't hit me!


Anyway, there are actual real things for me to blather on about here. Such as...

1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Saw the film last night and I have to say, Douglas would've been proud. It has all the things I wanted there to be and more...

The theme song, 'So long and thanks for all the fish', has to be one of the catchiest little ditties I've heard on a film score in some time. Joby Talbot, of Divine Comedy fame, did the music and so Neil Hannon turns up to do a bit of singing. just to keep it interesting.

Sam Rockwell's great, Martin Freeman's great, Alan Rickman's great, Mos Def's great (there's a great line where Arthur says, "So you're really not from Guilford. That would explain the accent..." Way to dodge complaints!) and the whole thing is, well, great!

Dec said he'd heard it was wide open for a sequel and I wasn't sure at first, but the more I think about it I suppose it could be. They didn't get to Milliways (the restaurant at the end of the universe) and the whole Stavromula Beta thing didn't come up. and the bowl of petunias did say, 'oh no, not again.' So there IS scope for another, but I'd be afraid. Very afraid. Like Luke Skywalker should've been...

2. Trailers - Saw some fantastic trailers. For anyone who hasn't seen the trailer for Sin City yet, your life is not complete. Mine is more so, but I shan't consider it fully rounded til I see the whole film. It looks fucking brilliant!

War of the Worlds looks, um, ok. In a very Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg kind of way. And we all know what happens at the end. I think I'll stick with that silly musical version. It's hilarious.

Revenge of the Sith, or Star Wars 3 (6) looks great in the trailers, but I have no doubt I will be disappointed. There's just no way George Lucas has the skill to make the dark masterpiece this film needs to be! Yes, I'll pay to see it, but I won't like it.

Batman Begins. Gasp! It looks so good! Why wasn't Christian Bale made Batman before?! Why all the buggering about with Val Kilmer and George Clooney? Incidentally, Bob Kane (creator of Batman) said that his favourite Batman of all was Val Kilmer. What does he know? He's old! Adam West was a better Batman than that bastard. Even Joel Schumacher described him as the sickest man he'd ever met. Take note of that, this is the only time Joel Schumacher will be mentioned in anything like a positive light on this blog. The man is Hollywood's answer to Louis Walsh and should be hurt. Continually. For a longlonglonglonglonglong time.

3. Nine Inch Nails - The new album, With Teeth, is out and about. I'm currently listening to it online HERE and it's ok. There doesn't seem to be any major departure from his other stuff, although he would no doubt argue that it is the most technologically advanced and groundbreaking album since, well, his last one. What I don't understand is how a man as obviously talanted as Trent Reznor can spend six years making an album that sounds so samey... And he's still a whingin' bastard!

4. Rejection - It seems I don't have what it takes to be a sub-editor for The Star. Got an email today pointing out that I had inadvertently written gibberish where I should have placed a description of myself. Something like, "I am keenly interesting in journalism." Of course to the layman that LOOKS like gibberish, but as anyone who knows me will attest it actually means that in the manner of a keen edged blade I am a sharp and an interesting writer.

It's a fair cop I suppose, that'll learn me!

Now, I finally got around to re-reading my print project the other day and have decided it's not as bad as I had thought. For several months I've been afraid to even look at it, never mind peruse the text! As a result I didn't send out copies to the people I promised I would send them to as I was of the opinion that it was the biggest heap of shit to ever trickle from my fingers on screen via keyboard. It's not that bad.

Made me laugh a couple of times in fact. Mind you, that'll probably count against me.

So it would seem Pat Ingoldsby and James Kelly will finally get to read all the things I said they said and they'll no doubt be rather surprised that I would say they said such things... Or something...

Rock on you zarkin' froods!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joel Schumacher made Days of Thunder. A great film in anyone's language. (and yes he is shite, but this means there's two positive comments about him on this site, even if it did end by saying he's shite) Ha.......ha, ha, ha.... cough...

5:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Lost Boys - the two Coreys' (that's Corey Haim and Corey Blimey to you) finest moment. Thank you, Joel, you changed my life forever

4:25 pm  

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