Friday, April 29, 2005

There are no cats in America...

... And the streets are lined with cheese.

BUT, there are cats all over my site. I had an ad for Whiskas. They offered me a free kitten kit (whether this allows one to build a kitten or what I'm not so sure) and so I filled in their wee boxes and so on and when I got to the screen where it should've said "Your FREE kitten kit is in the post" the computer went "This page cannot be displayed blahblahblah..."

So no kitten kits for me.

Started reading a quite fabulous book the other day, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, by Susanna Clarke. I'm being thoroughly impressed by it (unlike this keyboard/mouse combination - they seem to be conspiring against me, thus it is VERY hard to type or do anything here!). It's a long time since I started a book that kept me up til 5am - even then I didn't want to put it down and I felt guilty doing so!

I won't tell you what happens, cos I'm mean/lazy/whatever. But the website is and it'll tell you wonderous things about this big, heavy piece of paper.

Leslie, I have to disagree with you on the Eric Bana front, I would've enjoyed the film a whole lot more if he'd just gone on and hulked up for me, but the bugger didn't even have a tinge of green about him - except when he was forced to say some of the most horrible things in the name of that heap o'shite movie. For the first part of the film I wasn't sure if he was French, English, American or just a moron. The accents really got me. Why was Agamemnon Scottish and Menelaus Irish? Surely these people are ACTORS and can do the RP as required? It's just very distracting. And it was embarrassing to see Brad skipping between accents with each new line of shite which trickled down his chiselled chin.

On a lighter note, I watched End of the Century: The Story of the Ramones - It's brilliant, but so sad! I was near tears at the end of it - sniff- they're all dead!

Don't feel too sorry for Johnny, but DeeDee and Joey were great people. Johnny was such an asshole, even when asked what he felt about Joey's death he was, "Oh, I didn't see the point in , like, calling him up or anything just 'cos he was dying, 'cos we didn't get on, y'know?" Asshole.

Still love them tunes though.

My inspiration is running out and I'm hungry and I want to go home so you will hear no more from me. Except for this: (thanks Shmezzer!)

At least we can always rely on the nutters of this world to keep, well, being nutters.

Oh, and also, if you look in the list on (click the wee icon in the sidebar) you'll see ME! Pushed to One Side. I'm so proud of me for, well, very little actually. Hopefully it'll speed my blog's transition to ink on wood-pulp. Yes, that's what it's all for! I'm a mercenary! I've got ads on the page, fer Christ's sake!

Don't look so disappointed. This reminds me of the fable of the old woman who nurses the snake back to health and it gets better and bites her and she says, "Why'd you do that, I was so nice to you!" and the snake retorts, "Hey, you knew I was a snake when you picked me up, baby."

And that is, honestly this time, that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hands off my DVD, shit kicker!

4:02 pm  

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