Saturday, April 16, 2005

Free Dom!

Whoever Dom is. It seems to be the new war cry of O2, the mobile phone company, for thems as don't know.

Saw a curious sign on a house on the way to town. It proclaimed there was a "Patio over looking [sic] convent playing fields." I wonder... Who exactly are they trying to sell this house to that it would be so important that they could watch teenage girls prancing around in their school uniforms, or, as would be the case a couple of times a week, in their gym slips. Hmmm...

I will say no more.

Watched Saw last night. And so in response to the ludicrous question "Dare you see Saw?" I say, yes. And I wish I hadn't. Not because it is horrifying and gory and all the things the trailer would lead you to believe. No, because it's rubbish. As Ciaran said, 'tis another poor Se7en rip-off. It begins with promises of very nasty things happening and, to be fair, one or two vaguely unpleasant happenings do occur... Not nearly enough for my taste, however. After a while it begins to look like a gruesome episode of CSI and Danny Glover, well, he really is too old for that shit.

Lately I have been listening to Wednesday 13's new album, Transylvania 90210. It is every bit as great as I had hoped, if not more so. Much more diverse than his other efforts, with some distinctly Manson-esque twists (particularly on the haunting closer, Bullet named Christ.) Though my favourite track is the traditional FDQFP13 sounding, Bad Things. Oh, how childish it is to find yourself wandering through town humming, "I want bad things to happen to you, I want very bad things to happen to you..." Or the classic, "Life's a grave, dig it!" or "I walked with a zombie."

Wednesday, if you're reading, which I'm pretty sure you aren't, I salute you!

Oh, before I forget, there are new things afoot with Poppy Z. Brite. She has a new book coming out soon called Prime. There is an extract available HERE as well as an extract from her last novel which I couldn't find anywhere, called Liquor.



Blogger Paul said...

Jesus Mate, you have too much free time to be posting on the net.

I was gonna fill you in with my life here but I think I'd better dust off my own blog. Much better idea don't you think?

2:33 pm  

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