Monday, April 11, 2005

Pressure drop.


The dissertation is gone and away and out of my hands. It's also rubbish, boring and largely made-up, but that is beside the point. So I'm going to get drunk to celebrate. Funny how things work out, innit?

On a lighter note, there is a new poll on the page. It's not a good poll, but my brain is fried and I really can't think of a decent question. If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them. Oh, yes I would...

I saw Gozu last night. I had wanted to get Audition, but the stupid video shop round my end didn't have it. Gozu is... Interesting. It makes no sense, however. It was rather like a David Lynch film in Japanese, although it was the kind of stuff that just would not be accepted in the states. I don't really want to spoil it for anyone who might want to watch it, but beware of the lactating Asian. That really was too strange.

I also watched Brother, which is fantastic, although quite odd once again. It's an arthouse gangster film, bringing Japan's most famous man (Takeshi Kitano to the states and having him do lots of nasty things to people with a rather cheeky smirk.

It makes me want to learn Japanese.

I also watched The Grudge again yesterday. TWICE! Which must be some sort of record. It's actually not as scary the second time, but it's still brilliant. I watched the commentary on the DVD too, which some might say is a bit sad, but I thought it was interesting. For example, I learned that there is a Director's Cut of the film coming out soon which has loads of REALLY scary bits that the censors wouldn't allow in the theatrical version. At least, not if it was to have a 15 cert (PG13 in the states). Since I didn't buy the normal one I shall not be too upset about parting with money for the new improved one.

And there's always the offchance that Ireland on Sunday'll have another copmpetition and I'll be the only one to enter it again. That'd be nice. Mind you, I've entered a lot of competitions recently and won none of them (or had no word back yet. My breath is not being held.)...

I've noticed that I'm not getting much traffic through here these days, so I've decided to go and publicise myself s'more by posting nonsense on otherses blogses, but it's so hard to find sensible people out there...



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