Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Innocence. Inner sense. In a sense.

Scrolling down a to couple of days ago, the perceptive blog-reader will find a comment from Mr. J. Henning of Perseus Development Corp. in which he corrects my musing on the origin of his company's name, thus:

"We thought "Perseus" sounded high tech, while being vague enough that we could reposition the company over time as markets changed."

And I'm a bit weirded out by that. How did he find me? Does he know that I used his work liberally in my thesis? He does now! The world is a strange place...

Anyway, there are many very important things I need to tell you all (both) (you) but my brain is slightly numb with the drink. I don't think I drank all that much, but I do know I was talking some serious amounts of shite at anyone who'd stay still long enough to listen. If any of you are reading, I apologise, but it is so much fun! Talking shite that is, not apologising.

Started to apply for a job with the Guardian yesterday but got bogged down in the essay section, which contained questions like this:

"Because language in its broadest sense is the currency of our profession, this programme requires that candidates must be fluent in standard English and at least one other vocabulary. These may include foreign languages, computer languages, English dialects or the vocabulary of music, art, science or religion. What is your additional language? Describe your degree of fluency in this language and how often and under what circumstances you use it."

Not only that, but 12 of them!!

So I ground to a halt. I may go back to it eventually, but not today...

Working for the Guardian would be sweeeeeeeeeeeeet. Love that paper, I suppose that's why the application form's so bloody hard! I'd get to meet Doonesbury and If... Oh, and Steve Bell, as well as his cartoon characters. What do you mean Doonesbury's not real? Am I having an episode. Sorry... *BWAH*

I think I've done all I can here. Damage limitation, not barfing... Blackout iminenttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt------


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I may have altered your blog with the power of my mind. I was thinking to myself how simple it is to comment on dec's stuff and how ridiculously hard it was to post a comment on your (admittedly much nicer looking) blog - it asked me 200 very personal questions last time and tried to sell me my own domain whatever that is - so I decided to have another go and strangely it's changed to being all straighforward. Spooky! Anyway I'm generally as bored as you are so just letting you know you're guaranteed one avid reader. Right, I'm off to take over the world with my newfound powers...

5:07 pm  

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