Wednesday, April 20, 2005

When he died I was hopin' that it wasn't contagious.

Imho - In My Humble Opinion. Thanks Ciaran.

Imho, that's bollox.

It is rather bizarre that from mentioning Harry Potter I got ads for the books, ads for kiddies' costumes, ads for theme parties and ads for London. I don't quite know what Big Googlie Brother is thinking, but he seems adamant that children should come to my site. I can't say I agree.

I do believe I rencently mentioned shooting children instead of cats - in jest of course. Children don't deserve such mercy. I can hear the Feds at the door, better take that back...

Reminds me of that wonderful quote from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, "Why should I fuck children? They're too small!"

Make of that what you will.

Moving on to the Pope (HEY! It's topical! I'm not implying anything, before you accuse me, Leslie!) it seems we have Ratzo "God's Rottweiler" Benny XVI in charge of the world's largest cult. How long before the Inquisition's robes and thumbscrews are dusted off?

This man is a perfect example of the self-contradictory nature of the so-called Universal Faith. He hates EVERYONE! Homosexuals, Communists, Women... God help you (or not) if you're a communist lesbian...

The Ardship of Dublin was on TV yesterday talking about Ratzo's avowed enemies in the Vatican. Hold on... These people are all Holy types, following the teachings of Mr. Christ, presumably to the letter, yet there are enemies within the organisation... Does this smack of 'Do what I say, don't do what I do' to anyone else?

Fucking hypocrites. Or hypochrists, as the phantom punner would have it...

There are, of course, reasons why Ratzo's appointment is a Good Thing. For one his hardline nonsense will drive more rationally minded people away from the Church, allowing us all to get on with evolving without interference from a wrinkly old man who thinks it is His Place to tell people how to live their lives, how to have sex(?!) and so on.


I'm taking the lack of smiting done so far as evidence that God agrees with me. Or doesn't exist.

Shit! Is that lightning...?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Y'all seem to have gotten the impression that I'm some sort of an overly sensitive religious nut/defender of catholicism when in fact i'm just a nice person who thinks it's bad to make jokes bout a dying Pope or give the vague impression that the new one might be paedophile. But if any of you would like to join me for some prayer and reflection on the message of the Bible later...

ps: Ciaran Murray imho it's dangerous to call ur girlfriend a pleb for all the world to see. watch your back...

12:33 pm  
Blogger Paul said...

Surley all Priests and men of the cloth are paedophiles. Except the ones who aren't. How come we never hear about a Rabbi who's into little boys (or bouys)?

Ah well, thats the way of the world. St Peter would weep to see what happened after he popped his clogs.

3:22 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now you've got kitty merchandise on your blog. I knew those ads were a bad idea. How much are you making from this gig? I hope its something worthwhile cos thats a pretty prime location. Tell us Stephen, how much does it take to buy you?

5:13 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been a week Stephen - are you suffering from writers' block or have you just finally reached blog saturation point?

11:14 am  
Blogger Stephen McMullin said...

15 cents a day! That's how much it takes to buy me!

2:56 pm  

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