Sunday, April 17, 2005

What? You mean they're legal!?


I only came online to email myself an essay. A strange ritual undertaken by those of the technogically feeble inclination. When I decided to take a look at Dec's blog and got an urge...

Just as I was going to log on to blogger the computer decided to commit suicide, but it's been rather obliging since then. I think it's feeling some sense of repentance and gratitude that I've given it a second chance. Perhaps I'm reading too much into the situation.

About an hour ago I took 5 grams of Psilocybe Mexicana and they're really starting to kick in now. So it's something of a miracle I'm writing anything. If it all gets a bit weird, you know why. You probably won't notice any difference.

Although I would like to point out that between the laptop committing hara kiri and doing its best impression of Lazarus the sofa has started breathing. And I'm sitting on it! Quite odd...

I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that these mushrooms are entirely legal. I think this is due more to the fact that Michael McEvil, Minister for Evil and No Fun, doesn't know about them. It's only a matter of time I guess... But what a time!

For 15 euros you too can commune with God.

Or at least watch the walls breathe for a couple of hours.

I was amused to see a blog the other day written by a man who evidently thought he was the epitome of all that is useless. I wasn't amused by that, I felt a little sorry for him, but I did chuckle when I saw the title of his most recent post "Oh my God, I can't breath." He then went on to talk about all the ways in which his life was restricting his ability to breath. He couldn't breath on a number of counts. I don't think I'd worry too much. I can't think of a single situation where I couldn't breath... I was going to post some facetious comment to that effect, but I reckoned having the fact that he was illiterate on top of everything else pointed out by some smart-arse Irishman (who heavily edits and spell-checks his blog, for the record) would possibly push him over the edge. I didn't want to be responsible for a major tragedy involving trucks and heavy artillary, so I kept my fingers to myself.

But it is here now for all to chuckle at.

He meant 'breathe', just in case you didn't get that last paragraph. God, I am a smug git...

It's only a matter of time before I zone out completely and start barking orders at this poor, over-worked and under-appreciated laptop, so I'm going to sign off without so much as a link.

In response to Paul's allegations that I spend too much time at this I will say only that I do. But it is highly addictive and a great distraction if you've other things to be doing.

OK, the keys have started moving and I have to catch each one unawares before I can pound it. This suggests to me that I should stop five minutes ago.



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