Monday, May 09, 2005


Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because Jim McDaid was driving on the footpath.


Just had an exam in something or other. Media Representation they call it, although it may as well be called Bullshit. Because that's what it was.

There's some dispute now over the content of the paper, I didn't notice anything - proof that my knowledge of What Goes On in this place is severely limited. Still, a nod is as good as a wink to a blind bat.

Spent the weekend in Galway at thge most excellent PAUL'S house. (Hi!) His fancy shmancy new house in the suburbs. I managed to eat lots of the excellent food Clodagh (missus Paul) laid out as well as lots of beer. This was all great fun, but the hangover was severe and well-deserved. Not a lot of studying was done.

I've just been informed that this is the ninth of May. I was sure it was the 11th. Just goes to show, once again...

Lately I am listening to War of the Worlds, by Jeff Wayne. Oh, it's cheesy, but oh, so much fun! "The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one, but still theeeeeeey come!"

And also William Shatner's album, Has Been. It's great! I read a review of it in... Something, which said it exists in a world where the bizarre sits comfortably alongside the mind-tearingly wrong. I don't think that's fair, I mean, how can you slag off an album which holds lines such as, "Live life like you're gonna die, because you are!" That is classic stuff!

His voice is great in a "no singing please," kind of way. A man's gotta know his limitations. As Sir Clint of Eastwood would say and Bill would agree...

Also heard Star Trekking, by The Firm, for the first time in ages! It's such a very funny song...

"Star trekkin' across the universe,
All aboard the Enterprise, led by Captain Kirk.
Star Trekkin' across the universe,
Boldly goin' forwards cos we can't find reverse...

"There's Klingons on the starboard bow... Jim.

"It's life, Jim, but not as we know it... Captain.

"It's worse than that he's dead Jim... Dead!

"We come in peace, shoot to kill!...

"You cannae change the laws of physics... Captain."

And there is your transcript of the lyrics. If you are so inclined you can sing it at home. If you've never heard the song that is too bad since I don't have a clue where you might track it down. I googled it, but to no avail!


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