Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The return of the Mc

Oh, yeah... I'm back.

Who cares?


Anyway, I thought it'd be nice to start up a blog again because I now have a shiny laptop and broadband internet access, which me the greatest person on Earth, I think. Your opinions do not matter.

Sorry, somewhere along the way, while working for Ye Olde Daily Mail (or rather, Ye Newe Irishe Dailie Maile) I lost track of how to talk to people in anything other than a sneeringly superior fashion. Tis the way. Y'see.

Oh, Amanda Brown(e) left a message about a year ago saying I wouldn't be a journalist until I had something published. Well, how's a weekly radio column? Two, really, if you count both the Irish Daily Mail and Ireland On Sunday as separate papers. I don't because it's more or less the same copy goes into each. Not that I'm cheating, that's just how we roll...

Also, there's only so much you can say about the shows that are on and stretching that to one paper is hard enough!

Oh, and then there's Connected (I'll turn this into a link as soon as I remember how, it's been a long time!), which is mightily cool and available countrwide in HMV stores and other places.

So, I guess you could say I've become a journalist!

Wow, I'm a Professional!

I was walking by the British Embassy today and there was a garda outside. This is the only embassy other than the American that has cops outside and secrity up the ass. Paraniod?

I think so.

Is it because the entire world hates these two countries that they feel the need for this stuff?

Perhaps if they stopped bombing the shite out of places they wouldn't have to worry so much.

Just a thought.


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