Sunday, January 17, 2010

Anyway, what's it matter what 'They' say?

Just arskin'.

Bless the interweb. Or curse the dyern'd thing. Here I am, trying to do something purposeful, worthwhile and satisfying and instead I am adding a rather random, meaningless and purely procrastinatory post to this long-neglected blog.

Such is life.

Went to SFMOMA today, to take in some cult-chure. I may have seen some. Last night Liz and I watched the Classic Albums documentary on Transformer, which had plenty of Andy Warhol in it, as you might imagine, so it was amusing to see yet more AW in the gallery. It's a great little film, I recommend it. Lou is in strangely good form and there are some interesting anecdotes. The usual wankery, too, of course. Dave Stewart shouldn't be allowed to talk about anything, but for some reason people always ask him shit... Is it because he's cheap? What good are Eurythmics anyway?

Not a fan.

Mind you, what would I know?

I like noise.


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