Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A quick thought

And possibly a bollocks one, but still…

I was thinking, after reading, about U.S. foreign policy and its attempts to force 'Democracy' down the throats of Arabs/Orientals/Central Americans/etc. It never works. It hasn't worked anywhere since they've tried it. Well, that's not quite true, they have been successful in installing military regimes in various places, but how do those police states equate with U.S. democratic ideals?

Well, after speculating for a while, I figure I know what the problem is. The problem is U.S. democracy itself, which isn't even a little bit democratic. In the States there are two parties, both more or less the same. Sure, there are details here and there which vary, but the Republicrats are very much on the same page.

In a country the size of the U.S., you would expect there to be fucking millions of candidates for the presidency and everything else from a million different parties with a million radically different views and policies. You don't have that though. Anti-communism took care of the leftists and the far right were asked politely to stop hanging black folks and given a say in military decisions.

So, essentially, you have sham elections every four years and a government which is a puppet of the military industrial complex.

This works in the U.S. because it happened gradually, and the two main parties initially had very different positions and so nobody really noticed when the elections stopped mattering so much and continued believing they were living 'free', despite very strong evidence that the U.S. media is little more than a tool for the Propaganda Machine. (The media keeps America believing it is right, it is wealthy, it is The Good Guys — and that the rest of the world is full of funny, peasant people with weird accents. This makes it easier to promote wars that are being lost and deadens the public to foreign slaughter. As Bill Hicks said, it's not easy admitting that you might be part of the Evil Empire. I love that people like McCain still try to claim CNN, Fox and the rest of the U.S. media has a 'liberal' bias. Hahahahaaaaaa!)

When you try to introduce this kind of structure in another part of the world it stirs up some anxiety, because it's quite plainly neither fair nor good for the country. When you try to do it suddenly, people get pissed off. If they'd been left to it, chances are the various countries buggered by U.S. influence (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, El Salvador, Guatemala, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan — to name a few) would, given time, have eased into similar unfair types of government anyway.

There's a lot more I want to get down about this, but I really only wanted to jot things down so I didn't forget before I get the chance to investigate more.

Of course, I could be entirely wrong on all points, and if anyone knows different (or, even better, wants to prop up my speculations…) then lemme know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is exactly correct.

Living in America and putting up with this practice for the past 21 years, it makes me sad that Americans aren't more... Intelligent. Or at least more AWARE of what's going on. But because we believe everything that comes from the T.V most of the time, it's hard.

Even if you aren't one who believes everything the government tells us, you're still basically screwed because most everyone else does.

Either by fear or money or empty promises, we are controlled.

Thank you for this great post. Might I repost this on The Entropy Report?

9:03 pm  
Blogger Stephen McMullin said...


I'm glad you agree. Somehow, having even one person agree with you make you feel less like a moss-encrusted hermit who shouts "Bees!" at passers by.

I don't think the fault lies so much with Americans, as such. After all, it's difficult to question EVERYTHING and the over-riding instinct is to trust those in power. Why would they screw their own? Without extensive pondering — and study of historical precedent — it doesn't make any sense.

We're at something of an advantage in Europe as we also get the 'alternative' view, which is often simply down to our propaganda machine having something different on its agenda than in the States. Whatever, this means we have to decide who to believe, rather than swallowing it all from the one source. Somewhere between them you'll find the truth. Maybe.

Feel free to repost whatever you like, although bear (bare?) (bear) (bare?) (hmm…) in mind this was only a sketch to keep me from forgetting what I wanted to say, so it's not quite as coherent as it would have been had I realised I was about to become famous…

Thanks for dropping by, hopefully see ya 'round!

11:52 am  

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