Modern Slime
Well, it finally happened — Bob released his new album and it's... Well, it's alright is all.
The major problem is that it bears a remarkable similarity to the last one and some of those tunes have been used more than once in his lengthy career. Is that a minor quibble? I dunno — but it's MY quibble.
So there.
In other news, I was asked today if I would be interim TV Ed. in the TV Ed.'s absence. She'll pop a sprog in December and wants me to take over. Bleh.
Can't see how this is in any way attractive considering it will be more work for no more money and my job will be just as insecure (not in that it feels inadequate in itself, but more that I could get fired any minute for, ah, anything, really. I probably won't though.)... Perhaps I'll try to negotiate some new pay deal, whereby I get lots of money and don't do very much.
I want to write loads here — I've got some fine ranting to do — but my tummy's not right and it's putting me off. Sulk.
Oh, THIS might amuse. as might THIS. Some heavy metal piss-takery.
Some of it's painfully (hilariously) true... I have to confess now that I have at least four Darkthrone albums and the only one I really listen to is the most recent one because it's the only one that doesn't sound like a steel-cutter being used on an army of amputees with steel limbs/torsos/teeth. My flirtation with black metal was brief, but informative.
The major problem is that it bears a remarkable similarity to the last one and some of those tunes have been used more than once in his lengthy career. Is that a minor quibble? I dunno — but it's MY quibble.
So there.
In other news, I was asked today if I would be interim TV Ed. in the TV Ed.'s absence. She'll pop a sprog in December and wants me to take over. Bleh.
Can't see how this is in any way attractive considering it will be more work for no more money and my job will be just as insecure (not in that it feels inadequate in itself, but more that I could get fired any minute for, ah, anything, really. I probably won't though.)... Perhaps I'll try to negotiate some new pay deal, whereby I get lots of money and don't do very much.
I want to write loads here — I've got some fine ranting to do — but my tummy's not right and it's putting me off. Sulk.
Oh, THIS might amuse. as might THIS. Some heavy metal piss-takery.
Some of it's painfully (hilariously) true... I have to confess now that I have at least four Darkthrone albums and the only one I really listen to is the most recent one because it's the only one that doesn't sound like a steel-cutter being used on an army of amputees with steel limbs/torsos/teeth. My flirtation with black metal was brief, but informative.