Sunday, September 28, 2008

Separated at birth?

In an effort to raise the level of political debate in the blogosphere I have decided to address the issue of whether or not Barack Obama looks like a seriel killer from off the telly. I've been rewatching Dexter of late (in preparation for the start of season three - woo!) and noticed that Sen. Obama bears a striking resemblance to the show's Rudy Cooper/Biney/Christian Camargo. Finding pictures where they look similar is proving difficult, and since my MacBook is dead I can't do screenshots. (Well, I could if I was interested in learning more about PC functions, but I'm not.)

So, here are the pics I'm stumping for. Getting Obama with his mouth shut or without a cheesy grin is difficult. Here's the Senator From Illinois:

And here is the Ice Truck Killer:

Freaky, no?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Monkey With A Razor


This album tickled my listening lugs, and you might like it too... You might not, but that's hardly my fault, is it?

Oh, and if you can't find it in your heart to love a band called Monkey With A Razor, you are obviously lacking. Or maybe I am.

It's far from easy!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Rove-ing reporting

I thought this was funny. If by some chance you don't then you're both dead and almondy. Yes, almondy!

Cosmic Rays Of Death!

I've been listening to these guys for a few months now, on and orf, although I've only just discovered their MySpace page n'shit. Goes to show, the Internet has Changed Everything. Their EP, ...Of Doom!, is quite mahvellous, as you might be able to tell from the above taster video yoke ^^^

It's been a fun-filled while since I last blogged a blog up here (when the fuck was that? Meh... Who cares?), with family visits and meetings and explosions and the reintroduction of smallpox into the local canine population. I kid you a bit.

So, Maebh and Jay were here (for some reason I always want to write it 'Maebh&J', but this sort of robs Jay of his humanity, reducing him to a letter and an ampersand... Like he gives a fuck, eh? It's not like getting a wedding invite that has your name misspelled on it - twice - or anything...). They were here for a whole four days or so, during which time I had articles to write, meetings to attend and other such stuff which meant Liz ended up doing more entertaining than she should've. So, that was a shame, but there's not a heapin' whole lotta stuff I can about it now!

Speaking of things I can't do a whole lot about right now, my lovely, pretty, sexy, sleek & slinky MacBook has finally bitten the dust, cashed its chips, met its maker and royally fucked me up, since now I don't have a computer. Something of a drawback for a freelance journo... I'm using Liz's now, but how long can I do that? Probably another couple of hours, until she gets home.

If anyone can think of a cheap way for me to replace my sexy MacBook (that doesn't involve PCs) I would be greatly cheerfullated. I've already replaced the hard drive once, after it hara kiri'd days after the warranty ran out, and this one lasted, ahem, just long enough for the warranty on the new HD to run out. Am I forever doomed to be outside of the warranty zone? Someday I'd like it if I could return something to the shop and get it fixed for nothin', but alas...

I just finished reading Darkly Dreaming Dexter, by Jeff Lindsay. Yes, the Dexter of TV series fame. It's very good, worth reading, very funny. One thing I found weird was that because the book is the first in the series, and it's not terribly long, the show actually has more depth to it. I mean insofaras there are more characters, etc, more plotlines, all that jazz. Interesting.

Eh... Yeah, so, Cosmic Rays Of Death, fuckin' great - check 'em out!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just felt I had to do this…

I fucking hate the drug czar. I even hate the old drug czar.

He's a cunt too.

Stolen songs…

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Libertarianism seems more sensible every day…

I find that really hard to reconcile with my semi-anarchist views, but the more I look at my semi-anarchism, the more it looks like semi-libertarianism instead… I wonder can you have Libertarians outside of America? I can't see why not. Semi-Libertarians, anyway…

Nicked from Andy Singer

You may be wondering what I'm talking about. Isn't Libertarianism just a nutty wing of Republicanism? Isn't it just free-marketeers and capitalist scumfucks coming up with brand new ways to exploit… Everything?

I blame Penn and Teller for their cracking show Bullshit! If you're not familiar with it, basically it's the magical pair doing a Harry Houdini debunking job on many of the myths of the modern world. They go gunning for psychics, mediums, common misconceptions, stupid laws — basically anything which we have been fed as truth, but which — to quote George Carlin — is All Bullshit and All Bad For Ya! They do this with their Libertarian friends at the CATO Institute and other knowledgeable types…

Anyway, the reason I bring it up is that I came across a short video of a guy called Jason Riley on the CATO website, in which he talks why immigration IS NOT AN ISSUE, at least not a negative one. Watch it, I was fascinated and, as you might have gathered, agreed entirely:

In a few years we might relocate to the States — this time it'll be Liz's turn to make an honest man of me, which will make a nice change — so I'll be able to go full Libertarian. Me and Clint Eastwood and Penn & Teller and Bill Maher, eh?

Oh, and Bob Barr's moustache.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


I love that she's called Sarah Palin, because it gives the whole thing a little bit more of a Monty Python edge… Anyway, here's an amusing clip of a CNN anchor actually trying to pin down a McCain aide and not having much luck:

(On a side note, how many men with stupid names does Palin have around her? So far I've counted two Tuckers, at least one Todd, a Track, a Trig and now there's a Levi. I know Levi is a real and genuine name in some places, but in America it's a brand of jeans.)

You have to wonder how these people justify this sort of thing to themselves. You're asked a DIRECT question, but instead of answering it… You… Ramble… Ramble… Waffle… On whatever subject you think they should have asked you about.

Of course, this is just a politician thing, Obama does it, Bertie does (did?) it — every lying fuck in public office does it. I call them lying fucks, of course, because only a lying fuck would have to talk around a subject that way. People with nothing to hide, whether it be the fact that they don't know the answer or something more sinister, give straight answers.

Like this:

"Will the US Prezidenshul Erection have any effect on the world beyond giving us a different untrustworthy mug on TV?"


See? It's really, really easy to do. Just try giving this kinda bullshit to Cary Grant, and you know what he'll tell ya…

Madam, you are a cock-eyed liar!