Terrorism and its many nipples… And Mars!
Goede Morgen! (Sort of.)
Look, MARS!
I was just watching CNN for my daily dose of bullshit, when I saw the news about North Korea's nuke plant being, er, nuked (sort of). I watched the video of the cooling tower, which seems to have been a pretty nifty job all round. The U.S. State Dept had some goons there, no doubt the 9/11 squad helping bring the thing down.
But this act takes North Korea off the U.S.'s terrorist list, "The move came just 24 hours after Pyongyang handed in its long-awaited nuclear declaration and after President Bush responded by lifting some sanctions and removing North Korea from the U.S. list of states that sponsor terrorism." Er… Hold on, does getting rid of a nuke plant mean you've automatically stopped sponsoring terrorism? Does having one automatically mean you are? Does that mean the French, who have many nuke plants, or the British or the Yamericans are sponsors of terrorism?
Well, we know the U.S. is for sure, which is why I wonder why anyone takes their list of terror states seriously. There's only one name on the rest of the world's 'Dangerous Nations' list.
And let us not forget some of the famous faces who've come and gone from the U.S. terror list. Nelson Mandela's ANC used to be top terror types, when the U.S. was propping up the Apartheid regime. My, how times change, huh?
*EDIT* After a swifty check I found THIS, which points out that Nelson Mandela is STILL a terrorist in the eyes of the U.S. State Department. If only he had a nukeulur power plant to blow up, he could fast-track himself off the list. No doubt he's still on it because his prisoner number was 46664 — Bush's numerologist is afraid of 6s…? So, when does Osama get his big party for liberating Afghanistan? *END OF EDIT*
And in a final act of indignity, the bees actually are disappearing, which is very strange, since it's also happening in Doctor Who and that film by Shyamalanalamalama, The Crappening. I know — art imitates life, crazy! But what is crazy is the news that some American farmer "had to cut his cucumber acreage in half because of the lack of bees available to rent." I did not make that up, SEE?!
Even the loss of the bees pales in comparison to THIS shit. Because we have nothing better to be concentrating on than making certain there are Mars bars for all.
Speaking of Mars bars… Look! Mars!
Look, MARS!
I was just watching CNN for my daily dose of bullshit, when I saw the news about North Korea's nuke plant being, er, nuked (sort of). I watched the video of the cooling tower, which seems to have been a pretty nifty job all round. The U.S. State Dept had some goons there, no doubt the 9/11 squad helping bring the thing down.
But this act takes North Korea off the U.S.'s terrorist list, "The move came just 24 hours after Pyongyang handed in its long-awaited nuclear declaration and after President Bush responded by lifting some sanctions and removing North Korea from the U.S. list of states that sponsor terrorism." Er… Hold on, does getting rid of a nuke plant mean you've automatically stopped sponsoring terrorism? Does having one automatically mean you are? Does that mean the French, who have many nuke plants, or the British or the Yamericans are sponsors of terrorism?
Well, we know the U.S. is for sure, which is why I wonder why anyone takes their list of terror states seriously. There's only one name on the rest of the world's 'Dangerous Nations' list.
And let us not forget some of the famous faces who've come and gone from the U.S. terror list. Nelson Mandela's ANC used to be top terror types, when the U.S. was propping up the Apartheid regime. My, how times change, huh?
*EDIT* After a swifty check I found THIS, which points out that Nelson Mandela is STILL a terrorist in the eyes of the U.S. State Department. If only he had a nukeulur power plant to blow up, he could fast-track himself off the list. No doubt he's still on it because his prisoner number was 46664 — Bush's numerologist is afraid of 6s…? So, when does Osama get his big party for liberating Afghanistan? *END OF EDIT*
And in a final act of indignity, the bees actually are disappearing, which is very strange, since it's also happening in Doctor Who and that film by Shyamalanalamalama, The Crappening. I know — art imitates life, crazy! But what is crazy is the news that some American farmer "had to cut his cucumber acreage in half because of the lack of bees available to rent." I did not make that up, SEE?!
Even the loss of the bees pales in comparison to THIS shit. Because we have nothing better to be concentrating on than making certain there are Mars bars for all.
Speaking of Mars bars… Look! Mars!