Monday, August 22, 2005

Send out the troops

That storm-trooper's starting to annoy me. He was amusing at first, but the way he's just so smug while grinding his cloned Australian crotch is, well, it's obscene. I'll replace him eventually. Perhaps.

I could whinge for a while about things, but I don't believe anyone wants to read it. I know I don't.

So, buh-bye.

Friday, August 19, 2005


Got this email the other day. Made me chuckle.

Hoax warnings don't usually scare me, but this one is important, please
send this to everyone in your email list.

If someone comes to your front door and says they are conducting a
survey and then asks you to show them your arse, DO NOT show them your

This is a scam; they just want to see your arse.

I wish I'd got this yesterday.
I feel so stupid and cheap...

Right place, right time...

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Your personality type is RCUAI
You are moderately reserved, calm, unstructured, accommodating, and intellectual, and may prefer a city which matches those traits.

The largest representation of your personality type can be found in the these U.S. cities: Washington DC, Oklahoma City, Raleigh/Durham, Louisville, New Orleans, Greensboro, Austin, Albuquerque/Santa Fe, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, Denver and these international countries/regions Luxembourg, Iceland, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Slovenia, Netherlands, Greece, Puerto Rico, Denmark, Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Turkey, Sweden, Ireland

What Places In The World Match Your Personality?
Powered by


I don't know if I should be worried about the fact that I am 'unstructured' or not. Actually, who gives fuck? Or, as an unstructured persons might have it- Fuck, who gives a?

Syntaxically unsound, but hey, I'm a crazy kinda guy! Woo! Who knows what I'll get up to?!

And since I'm keeping this lighter than yesterday's post I'm going to go with a 'meme' (I think that's what the kids are calling them... Hey! I'm cool!) which I stole from my sister's journal over on LJ. I'd tell you where, but she might kill me. For some reason blog-traffic is anathema to her. Even though it's all friends only... blahblahblah... GET ON WITH IT!

On with it I shall get:

1) What are you reading right now?

In the Night Room - Peter Straub, Andromeda - Ivan Yefremov, Swords and Ice Magic - Fritz Leiber, other stuff I can't remember, probably because it's not very good.

2) Longest book you’ve ever read:

Lord of the Rings or maybe Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel. Although if LOTR counts then maybe it's the Hitch-hiker's Guide trilogy (in five parts...)

3) Strangest title of a book that you’ve read:

Night of 1000 Rabbits. It wasn't even slightly ironic or amusing!

4) Stupidest ending of a book you’ve read:

The new Harry Potter. Only joking! Um... Catcher in the Rye. Piece of shit that it is.

5) Which literary character have you related to the most?

I really liked Lestat, from Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles when I was about 18. Nowadays... I dunno, I tend to get emotionally involved with every book I read. Even if it is crap.

6) Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction?


7) Did you have a series of children’s/young adult books that you once enjoyed?

Loads of 'em! Roald Dahl, Choose Your Own Adventure (remember those, ooh, they were great...), Grailquest, some Anthony Horowitz (the brothers Diamond mostly), any of Peter Corey's 'Coping with...' series. Can't think of anymore right now, but I read like a fiend. I still love all that stuff too.

8) Can you enjoy reading the source book after seeing the screen adaptation?


9) Have you ever read a novelization of a movie or TV show?

Yup. Maebh claimed that I had Star Wars books around, but this is not true. I have the screenplays, but that's different. I've read a bunch of adaptations, most recently the Terrance Dicks Dr. Who novels, cos I can't afford the DVDs!

10) Book that "turned you on" the most, erotically speaking:

Cheeky! I don't know, I don't tend to read porn. Although I do have a copy of The Oyster, which is late 19th century 'erotica', although there is little erotic about it, and it's too funny to be a turn-on really. ("I fingered her soaking quim while she gobbled my pego with abandon." This does not mean that his willy had a band on it, rather that she was enjoying what she was doing.)

11) Is there a real-life person that you’ve read more than one book about?

Does Roald Dahl count? I've read Boy, Going Solo and a biography too.

12) Book that everyone’s read but you:

Dunno. I haven't read lots of things, but then again, I've read many others...

13) Favorite "classic" writer/novelist:

Does H.P. Lovecraft count? Or E. A. Poe would do too.

14) Favorite contemporary novelist (let’s say 1950’s on):

At the minute it's probably Michael Moorcock.

15) Favorite short story writer:

Harlan Ellison, again, that's just right now.

16) Favorite columnist/journalistic writer:

Hunter S. Thompson! (Snorts with derision at such a silly question!)

17) Favorite poet:

I like Keats, although he can be a bit wet. Also quite fond of Ogden Nash.

18) Favorite guilty pleasure book or series:

Everyone knows this, all the sci-fi/fantasy stuff I pick up. I should feel guilty about it, certainly people look at me as if I'm talking about kiddie porn when I mention it, but I don't care. I love it!

Oh, and perhaps Ian Fleming's James Bond series sneaks into this category too. Guilty as charged, m'lud!

19) Favorite book written by a famous actor or musician:

And the Ass Saw the Angel - by Mr. Nicholas Cave, a God in anyone's language. Oh, and Bob's book, Chronicles, was great. Tarantula was not.

20) Author whose work you once enjoyed but no longer do:

Anne Rice. She just got sooooo crap, although I'll always treaure my memories of The Vampire Lestat.

21) Favorite comics/graphic fiction author:

Neil Gaiman. Ask me a harder one!

22) Books you were forced to read in school:

Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain(which I'd already read and loved), a bunch of Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice; Midsummer Night's Dream; Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet; Macbeth; one more which escapes me, Playboy of the Western World - J.M. Synge, Emma - Jane Bloody Austen, The Crock of Gold - James Stephens, Dubliners - James Joyce, Lonliness of the Long-Distance Runner - Alan Sillitoe, Silas Marner - George fucking Eliot, Animal Farm - George Orwell, A Kestrel For A Knave (Kes) - Barry Hines... There are others I can't remember. I ain't been in school for five years, bubba!

23) Which of them you actually liked:

Actually it'll be quicker to say what I didn't like: Emma and Silas Marner. The rest I liked.

24) Which of them you were shown a film adaptation afterwards:

All the Shakepeare, Kes, The Playboy of the Western World (which isn't as exciting as the title suggests. We're talking Christie Mahon here, not Hugh Heffner!)


That was fun actually. I'll have more of those please!


Thursday, August 18, 2005

Honey, I'm home! - and MUCH outrage.

Oh, it feels good. Things I can play with, tags I understand... You never forget your first love.

BUT! All that is by the by, as anyone who's been watching the news lately will tell you. I'm talking Jean Charles de Menezes, people! Has there ever been something so fucking scandalous?

I was outraged when they told me he'd been accosted while trying to run away and shot five times in the body and the head. He was wearing a big coat, they said. He was acting suspiciously, they said. It seemed a tad excessive at that, but thanks to a leak from the IPCC we know differently. Here are a few highlights:

"After the shooting police claimed that he was running, though several witnesses have given conflicting evidence that he was not running." - Everyone runs in the London underground and nobody notices anyone else. People are treated as obstacles, not things to be observed.

"Police also claimed that Menezes jumped over the barriers, but witnesses and computer data confirm that Menezes lawfully used his ticket and walked through the turnstiles." - He, in fact, strolled through, pausing to pick up a free newspaper on the way. Presumably the officers 'in pursuit' figured he wanted something to read while he waited for the fuse to burn down.

"Menezes was shot seven times in the head and once in the shoulder at point blank range. Two officers fired the fatal shots. He died at the scene." - Now, I'm not a ballistics expert, but I would think once would be enough. People have said to me, 'oh, the cops were under pressure, lost their heads, understandable under circumstances, blahblahblah...' BUT! Surely these people are trained NOT to lose their heads. I mean, if you put a gun in someone's hand and tell them to go forth and protect the public, you should not be the kind of person who freaks out on a train and unloads into someone's head. Oh, and they may have been special forces, which only makes it worse. Do you feel safe?

I could go on putting this stuff up, but it's all HERE and you should check it out.

But get this guy: 'Mark Whitby, a witness to the shooting, told Reuters that he observed Menezes wearing a large winter coat, which "looked out of place".'

Is he a cop or what? Covering asses... Because, unless this man was completely blind he would have seen what the police told Menezes' cousin: 'Vivien Figueiredo claimed that she had been told by police that Menezes was wearing a denim jacket on the day of the shooting.'

And here's another fucker: 'Anthony Larkin, another eyewitness, told the BBC that Menezes appeared to be wearing a "bomb belt with wires coming out."' - Who the fuck is Anthony Larkin and what the fuck would he know about what a 'bomb belt' looks like? Apart from anything else, Jean Charles was an electrician, are we going to start shooting everone carrying wires? Who'll fix the telly then? Deosn't matter anyway, the man was lying: 'No device resembling a bomb belt was reported as found. Menezes was also not carrying a tool bag, since he had left it with his work colleague the previous evening.'

And the truth of the matter is: 'The most recent information, a release of leaked IPCC documents, by ITN, says Menezes was wearing a pair of jeans and a light denim jacket - facts confirmed by the CCTV footage of his body on the floor of the train after the shooting.'

Are people in London blind? 'Eyewitnesses claim that up to twenty police officers in plain clothes pursued Menezes into Stockwell station, and that he jumped over the ticket barrier, ran down an escalator and tried to jump onto a train.'

When in fact: 'Menezes passed through the barrier normally using his pre-paid oyster card.'


'the man reported by eyewitnesses as jumping over the turnstile may actually have been one of the plain clothed pursuing officers.'

Why did nobody shoot him?

Here's a nice one, from point blank range remember, 'there were up to eleven shots fired at Menezes, three of which missed.' No wonder they had to fire so many times, the fuckers are all blind! What are they employing these days? Myopic monkeys?

Anyway, I'm done now. Thanks to Wikipedia for having all the stuff ready for me to splat down here.

On that note, adieu. I'll be back tomorrow with something more cheery, I hope.