9/11 — an excuse for lots and lots of shit.
Crowds harrassed at 4.20 outside the Democratic National Conference. Vaguely sniggersome.
Can the American authorities not see that what they're doing parallels the very propaganda stories they put out about Hostile or Unstable nations?
Do they just have no imagination?
It's a pickle alright…
Watched a documentary on 9/11 last night, called Truth Rising: The 9/11 chronicles, Part One, which followed this kid, Luke Rudkowski, as he went about terrorising the various presidential candidates during the primaries (he got Guiliani, Clinton, Obama, Romney, Dean, McCain and even Biden) and others involved in the 9/11 Truth Campaign.
WATCH AS THE GLOBAL ELITE AND THEIR MINIONS TREMBLE BEFORE THE POWER OF FREE SPEECH! (Or rather, watch them dismiss a group of chanting, incoherent nutters. Repeatedly.)
It's a funny thing, because before I watched it I was pretty sympathetic to the Investigate 9/11 stuff, but I'm less convinced now thanks to this movie. Weird, huh?
The problem is the way these people go about their task. For example, at one stage Rudkowski manages to get himself into a press event with Zbigniew Brzezinski (whose name is actually spelled incorrectly on the DVD cover…) and makes an arse of himself. He begins well, getting the floor and starting by quoting the Brzezinski talking about Bush maybe carrying out a false-flag terror attack to justify a war in Iraq. (This was before 9/11, of course.) Instead of stopping with his question at that point, when he had a point, he started to shout about Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission and various other New World Order type groups popular with conspiracy theorists. At this point, ZB just tells him to sit down and shut up, before security tosses Luke out.
Luke then talks about how he escaped the security guys (who obviously weren't that bothered, since they just let him run) and had really stuck it to ZB. Bullshit! He had the guy for a second, but totally blew it with his insane shouting and chanting slogans ("9/11 was an inside job", etc).
This makes me sad. It's obvious to anyone who stops to think for a moment that something is not right in the way the 9/11 investigation was carried out. Too many questions were left unanswered and very little makes sense. Also, the fact that rescue workers were allowed to toil away despite the high levels of toxic shit in the air that the Environmental Protection Agency seemingly lied about raises questions again.
It's horrible to see people, firemen, cops, etc, dying of nasty respiratory conditions brought on by their time breathing in air contaminated with asbestos and who knows what else, and it's unsurprising that they feel fucked over and ignored. It's even more horrible to see these people and their genuine concerns and their genuine cause hijacked by professional activists working on their own agendas.
Each time you watch these people confronted by police or whoever, you also get to see them turn incoherent and belligerent, which helps precisely no-one! What are they playing at? You're never going to get people to listen to you by chanting "9/11 was an inside job" en masse. During live TV broadcasts. Or during rallies. Or fundraisers. Or by jumping on the subway and proselytising at bored, tired, already pissed off commuters.
Of course, each time they did this it was a Success in their eyes, while to anyone else it was just annoying.
Yes, there are questions. Yes, it's all very murky. No, people will not pay any attention to you if you wave placards and chant slogans. Does it work for the anti-abortion nuts? No. But they do it anyway, because they're nuts. So, by employing the tactics of annoying nutcases, what does that tell people about your cause?
I don't know what annoys me more, the weird secrecy surrounding everything on the part of the US government (not to mention the crazy fucking war they launched off the back of it — using now well-documented lies) or the way these 9/11 truth movement people conduct themselves. Using a tragedy like 9/11 as an excuse to carry out another agenda, whether it be an insane imperial war or even something worthwhile like fucking with our capitalist scumfuck overlords, is sick and wrong.
At one point a mob is organised and they start chanting "We are ashamed!" — and they fuckin' should be.