It's been a fairly busy time for the auld blog, innit?!
Between pictures, ads and polls (there's a new one, by the way. I'm going to try changing the poll fairly regularly so make sure to check! Justify my time copying and pasting!) things are definitely looking more swish...
Oh, I read through the conditions of the AdSense thing and Google expressly forbid me to spend all day clicking on the ad, thereby increasing my own wealth. I can't use robots to do it either, which is no problem since I don't have any robots. Unless certain theories regarding the realness of the average human being are proved true... No! Don't think about it!
That way lies madness!
I'm slightly worried about the ad. The banner appears to be getting eaten by my Blogger navbar, but I don't seem to be able to do anything about that. I fiddled around with the format for a while, but anytime I tried to put it further down the page it vanished! And there were mysterious spaces surrounding things. I fear I may not be the BlogGenius I had hoped I was becoming. It's only a matter of time... Then you'll all pay!
Well, if you click on the ads Google will pay, which is the point. So, in a shamelesssssssssssss act of whoredom I'm going to say - Please-please-please click on my ads! It'll take no time at all!
I think I'm slowly but surely dripping out of reality. I've had the distinct impression over the last couple of days that I'm not as real as I used to be, or that the world has moved slightly to the left and I'm still floundering in a right-hand-side coma of delusion. I reckon it has a lot to do with Japanese horror flicks. I watched
Ring 0 and
Tale of Two Sisters over the last couple of days and they really do make you question things... Added to this Sarah's creeping everyone out with her own ghostie stories and I'm not sure which side of the etheric line I'm on. Do I see dead people and not realise it?
Nah, shouldn't think so.
I was wondering, what would happen if you watched the Ring videotape in the Grudge house? How fucked would you be? How little would you enjoy your last few hours? *shudder*
I'll change tack now...
Last night I watched Battle Royale 2. It's crap. The first one had a certain charm, but this one was just stupid! Then I watched the scary trailers for the other films in the Asia Extreme range and I couldn't bring myself to go to bed until my jitters had abated somewhat.
One of the things I ended up watching was Anatomy for Beginners, which was on dead late on Channel4. It was quite surreal. There was this German dude wearing a cowboy hat dissecting a body, which he had hung on a post, there was a naked guy (who looked for all the world like Rocky Horror!) having muscles
painted onto him and various other things, like a bacon slicer they used to cut a brain into bits. The corpse on a stick was the weirdest bit thought. The German quack kept sticking things into it to make the bits move. He had the hand going at one point and it was a bit, well, creepy...
Talking of creepy - the Wachowski brothers are making V for Vendetta! The graphic novel, by Alan Moore, is one of the coolest things I've ever read. Hopefully a couple of nerds like the Wachowskis will be able to pull of a masterstroke with the movie. I'm getting a little annoyed by Alan Moore's attitude towards films of his books. From Hell was shit, though I'm told the novel was great (I haven't managed to make myself fork out the €40 for it yet) and the less said about the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen the better... The books were so good...
Aagh! Just Googled it and this is what I found out:
Release Date: Fall 2005 (wide)
Distributor: Warner Bros. Pictures
Production Company: Silver Pictures (the Matrix trilogy)
Director: James McTeigue (feature debut; he served as the 1st AD on the Matrix trilogy and Star Wars Episodes II & III) Based Upon: The graphic novel "V for Vendetta," written by Alan Moore and illustrated by David Lloyd, published by DC Comics in 1988.
Premise: In an alternate timeline where Germany won World War II and Great Britain is now a facist state, a masked vigilante known only as "V" conducts guerrilla warfare against the government. When he rescues a normal young woman (Portman), she joins his struggle against the forces of oppression.
Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy, Action, Based on Comic Book
Filming: Filming will begin in early March on location in Berlin, Germany.
So, they aren't directing, just writing... And Natalie Portman's in it... I dunno...
I'm trying to stick in a couple of pics, but every time I do Blogger changes the HTML code and tells me I've done it wrong. Which I haven't, they keep moving things!
*sigh* What can y'do? Maybe it's for the best. I've already stolen one picture from DC Comics, any more and I might get hunted down and eaten by wolverines. Oh, sorry, they're Marvel. Oh-ho-ho-ho... What an awful nerdy joke that was...
I bin at this long time now, gonna stop - try get some work done.