Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A quick thought

And possibly a bollocks one, but still…

I was thinking, after reading, about U.S. foreign policy and its attempts to force 'Democracy' down the throats of Arabs/Orientals/Central Americans/etc. It never works. It hasn't worked anywhere since they've tried it. Well, that's not quite true, they have been successful in installing military regimes in various places, but how do those police states equate with U.S. democratic ideals?

Well, after speculating for a while, I figure I know what the problem is. The problem is U.S. democracy itself, which isn't even a little bit democratic. In the States there are two parties, both more or less the same. Sure, there are details here and there which vary, but the Republicrats are very much on the same page.

In a country the size of the U.S., you would expect there to be fucking millions of candidates for the presidency and everything else from a million different parties with a million radically different views and policies. You don't have that though. Anti-communism took care of the leftists and the far right were asked politely to stop hanging black folks and given a say in military decisions.

So, essentially, you have sham elections every four years and a government which is a puppet of the military industrial complex.

This works in the U.S. because it happened gradually, and the two main parties initially had very different positions and so nobody really noticed when the elections stopped mattering so much and continued believing they were living 'free', despite very strong evidence that the U.S. media is little more than a tool for the Propaganda Machine. (The media keeps America believing it is right, it is wealthy, it is The Good Guys — and that the rest of the world is full of funny, peasant people with weird accents. This makes it easier to promote wars that are being lost and deadens the public to foreign slaughter. As Bill Hicks said, it's not easy admitting that you might be part of the Evil Empire. I love that people like McCain still try to claim CNN, Fox and the rest of the U.S. media has a 'liberal' bias. Hahahahaaaaaa!)

When you try to introduce this kind of structure in another part of the world it stirs up some anxiety, because it's quite plainly neither fair nor good for the country. When you try to do it suddenly, people get pissed off. If they'd been left to it, chances are the various countries buggered by U.S. influence (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, El Salvador, Guatemala, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan — to name a few) would, given time, have eased into similar unfair types of government anyway.

There's a lot more I want to get down about this, but I really only wanted to jot things down so I didn't forget before I get the chance to investigate more.

Of course, I could be entirely wrong on all points, and if anyone knows different (or, even better, wants to prop up my speculations…) then lemme know.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My Paris Hilton fascination rekindled…?

Not that I ever really had one, although I was fascinated for a while that a woman with as much talent as a split pea (she has marginally more nutritional value, I'd guess, but mostly the advantage is bulk) could be EVERYWHERE.

All at once.

At the same time.


I was amused to find that she's been in another film recently, and not one of the good ones that have her tits in. Called The Hottie and the Nottie, it's a horrible sounding piece of shit, which is currently one of the worst reviewed films on Rotten Tomatoes… You don't need to know much, and in fact the last line of the Wikipedia synopsis kind of sums it all up: Nate slowly realizes that the girl of his dreams may not be the real hottie at all as the nottie becomes pretty following cosmetic surgery.

Wow. Well, there you have it, if you can't get the girl/guy of your dreams, go under the knife and butcher yourself beautiful!


Just reading a book and came across the term 'Francophile', which got me wondering…

The 'phile' is attached to so many positive words — bibliophile, f'rinstance — and not necessarily in a sensible way. X-philes, is another example. But then you have paedophiles — a different kettle of fish entirely, and not nearly as positive.

So, I did a quick Google to find out if 'phile' really means you want to fuck things. Is a Francophile a person who can only shag French people? Is a bibliophile a person who only shags books? Is an X-phile a person who only shags themselves?

According to Wikipedia: Aristotle defines the activity involved in philia (τὸ φιλεῖn) as: "wanting for someone what one thinks good, for his sake and not for one's own, and being inclined, so far as one can, to do such things for him" (1380b36–1381a2)

That wouldn't seem to include the molesting of kiddies.

Interestingly, when I looked up peadophilia on Wiki, I was told: Research into the etiology of pedophilia has been confounded by imprecise use of the term "pedophile" to describe those accused or convicted of child sexual abuse under sociolegal definitions of "child" (inclusive of both prepubescent children and adolescents younger than the local age of consent), rather than the correct usage that describes adult sexual attraction specifically to biological children.

So, there you go… You're only a paedo if you fancy your own kids.

I was also interested to note that a 'pedophile' is someone who loves the ground, which I'm sure causes some confusion in the U.S., where there's no distinction in the pronunciation. Imagine:
"Gee, that John Paul 2 is a real pedophile!"
"What're you talking about, he's the Pope?!"
"Yeah, but lookit him kissin' the ground like that!"

Friday, April 25, 2008

A fookin' disgrace…

taking record deals. Whatever the fuck next?

Why is Sony BMG further publicising a dying brand name? (ie Catholicism)

Sort of fits in with their across the board policy of clinging desperately to outdated and useless institutions, doesn't it?

Ach, here's a boob:

S'not all bad…

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Gotta love De Unyun

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Pandering to the delusional — for why?

"Both Mrs Clinton and Mr Obama are courting the religious vote, which holds considerable clout in US politics."

I don't know about anybody else, but I find that statement deeply troubling.

Perhaps you think its sensible, that they should appeal to these people. But, what if, for example, it said "Clinto n' Bama are courting the Flat-Earthers"?

Ha! You might say, the FE'ers are bonkers! That's crazy!

Yeah, but there's precisely as much sense to be found in the argument of a flat earther as there is in that of a religious nutter, exactly the same amount of evidence for both positions (ie, none) and roughly the same amount of zeal in their gibbery nonsense arguments.

It would be nice if, just once in history/the world/etc there could be an election fought on things that actually matter, not abstract and easily manipulated concepts like abortion, which are merely smokescreens for REAL things that REALLY matter. Y'know, like genocide, corruption in all levels of government in all countries around the planet, the fact that religious fanaticism is the thing that's going to do us in in the end, perhaps we could look at the whole 'money' issue and figure out an alternative that doesn't foster jealousy, hatred, one-upmanship, all that shite…

A Berlusconi's back in power in Italy. What the fuck happened there?!

Was his slogan, "Vote Uncle Silvio for Corruption and a Right Wing Agenda!" or "He already owns your airwaves, why not give him ultimate responsibility for your lives too? Vote Berlusconi!" or "Better the Devil you know!"

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Blogger beware…

What I'm talkin' about!

Look at this:

I ask again, how did we let these cunts have any kind of control over our minds, our bodies and LIVES?

By the way, here are the 'qualifications' held by the man in charge of UN drug policy:

--holds a degree in political science from the University of Turin (1963),
--a Degree in mathematical economics from the Moscow State University (1967),
--a Ph.D. in economics from the University of California at Berkeley (1971).
--from 1969 to 1983, Mr. Costa served as senior economist in the United Nations Department of International Economics and Social Affairs in New York.
--was subsequently appointed Under-Secretary-General at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris where he served until 1987.
--was a member of the OECD Working Group for financial transactions (later called FATF), a Member of IMF/World Bank Interim Committee and of the G-10 Group for the coordination of economic policy.
--between 1987 and 1992, Mr. Costa served at the Commission of the European Union as Director-General for Economics and Finance. In that capacity he served as EU Sherpa for the G8 meetings. He then joined the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD, in London) as Secretary-General where he oversaw political issues, institutional affairs, corporate governance and questions relating to shareholders.
--easily speaks a number of languages, including Russian.

Hmmm… Lots of drug and law enforcement experience I can see…

Boosball makes me smoke Salvia

This video made me laugh. It's The GWB (that's The Great White Bastard) tossing the ceremonial first pitch at some sporting event only to be booed by his adoring public. It's nice to see that the U.S. isn't full of idiots, as Yoorope is often led to believe:

But that's not what I really wanted to bang on about today. I'm concerned about recent news about American legislators doing their best to overturn any conclusions reached from the above video by, er, making Salvia illegal. This quote cracked me up: "As soon as we make one drug illegal, kids start looking around for other drugs they can buy legally. This is just the next one," said Florida state Rep. Mary Brandenburg, who has introduced a bill to make possession of salvia a felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

Some say legislators are overreacting to a minor problem, but no one disputes that the plant impairs judgment and the ability to drive.

Wahey! Well done Mary Brandenburg! You've just put together a bill that will not only waste even more of the taxpayers' money combatting a drug which poses no threat to anyone, but you've created a whole new class of criminals! A pat on the back that woman. It really does take a certain kind of skewed logic to come up with a nugget like that. Imagine, in an effort to remain within the law, kids are turning to *gasp* legal highs! Jesus, maybe if you stopped fucking banning everything they'd stop looking for new shit to try out.

The second bit, about salvia impairing the ability to drive… Er, alcohol, anybody? Remember that one? The biggest killer drug on the planet? But they're concerned about it becoming the next marijuana. What, a drug banned for… Er… What? Er… No reason whatsoever? I thought so. If that's the sole criterion, then yeah, it might be that.

So, first things fuckin' last, salvia is highly unlikely to become 'The next marijuana' (except as outlined above) for several reasons:

1. It's not even a little bit similar. Oh, sorry, well, you can smoke it so I guess…
2. The alleged trip lasts about five minutes, after which time smoking more of it merely makes you feel weird. A built in moderation mechanism if ever there was one.
3. It's fucking horrible.

The argument about driving and disorientation makes very little sense, again, because the trip last minutes (as opposed to the hours alcohol affects you for. In order to cause a car accident on salvia, you would have to be actually behind the wheel at the time of smokage — which makes you a moron and a menace to society. The same could be said for anyone who drives while slugging from a bottle of Jim Beam, except for one thing: If you're at home drinking the JB and you head out to drive you're still drunk. If you're at home smoking some salvia and you decide to drive, by the time you have the wherewithal to do so, the effects have stopped!

When did we let these reactionary, ill-informed fuckbags decide this sort of thing for us? When did people with NO experience of drugs beyond a deeply held misconception that they're in some way evil get to decide what we can and can't take into our bodies?

Anyone who has ever actually tried salvia will know that there is no threat there beyond feeling like shit for a while if you smoke too much of it. Does this mean it should be illegal?

Once again, it looks like legislators are taking every available opportunity to make sure nobody has any fun that isn't heavily taxed. I really hate this blind idiotic hypocrisy.

Alcohol, tobacco, caffeine — all perfectly legal. All fucking lethal.

Cannabis, salvia, magic mushrooms — 'illicit' substances. All entirely harmless.

It's horrible to see the world's most powerful nation under the thumb of such fucking morons.